Friday, January 30, 2009

Internal Evidence

Many critics of the Word of God will no doubt come up with statements such as "the Bible is full of contradictions", and "the Bible is so inconsistent". Most of the time I would try to show them that this is simply not true, yet I have begun to take a different approach. A man last year said "The Bible is full of contradictions", so I asked him give me one. His answer was well it isn't full of contradictions yet there is a couple, again he could not give me one. Many have tried to discount the Bible, have tried to write it off as the product of man, many attacks have come against the Bible, yet what you do not hear is that not one and I shout not one has ever stood. The unbeliever rages against the Word of God because it speaks right against our lives!! They hate it because they know they will have to answer to the God of the Bible and for that they are enraged because they love their sin and the Bible says the wages of sin is death. 
What is so sad to me is that the very truth that they rage against is the same very truth that could set them free! They could be free from their sin, free from the wrath of God, free from eternal death, and yet they disobey God and choose death rather than life. So is the Bible full of contradictions, is the Bible worthy of our trust?? Let's not look at many Scriptures to prove this point although we certainly could, lets look at just one. Job 26:10 says He has inscribed a circle on the face of the horizon. This word for circle is khug, in the Hebrew it literally means to draw a circle. So Job is saying that the earth is round, the horizon is circular. Now Job was written around 2000-1400 B.C. All of us are familiar with what happened in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. 
Now the masses told Columbus do not sail because the earth was flat. I have hear unbelievers say that only a few people told Columbus not to sail. This is simply not true. The masses told him not to sail, in fact it was very hard for him to get funding because they thought the earth was flat. This is in 1492 A.D.!!! So how in the world would Job thousands of years earlier know the world was flat?? Job did not know the Holy Spirit who inspired the Word of God knew!! Hold on I have also heard unbelievers say oh there are old pagan myths that says the earth is round. While this is true have they really looked at what these pagan myths taught? Some taught that it was on the back of a turtle, another taught it was on the back of a god. Hardly scientific. Yet the Word of God says in Job 26:7 He hangs the earth on nothing!! How in the world did Job know?? Again he didn't the Spirit of the Living God who created the world knew! Also we did not find this out really until we sent men to the moon. 

Full of contradictions? Untrustable when it comes to scientific material? The Word of God was getting it right all along when everyone and I mean everyone was getting it wrong. Oh the wisdom of God, how great and awesome is He! Who alone is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, which is filled with His glory. Oh to Him be all praise and glory now and throughout eternity. AMEN


  1. Contradiction, How about the simple contradictions in Genealogies given for jesus in Matthew and Luke?

    Who's Joseph's father? Jacob or Heli?

  2. Yeah and what about the most important moment in Christianity?
    Do you know what that moment is?
    It's the resurection.
    Go read the New Testament's different versions on that's not even remotely the same. So someone must have been lying or not paid attention.
    Also Genesis 1 is littered with logical contradictions...the concept of light is created before the sun is made and the concept of a day happens...well, from day one but darkness and light is seperated later and later still sun and moon.
    Don't try to justify a believe by "using" science, just believe. Also don't believe in science because it's already proven.
